Tuesday, 25 April 2006

Earth spirits

It seems like I've hardly been at home the last couple of weeks and of course my camera has been going everywhere with me, so I've had stacks of photos to download and sort and have been posting a travelogue saga of trips to my gardening blog.

All this at expense of neglecting of my art work, so having the house to myself today I set up the tripod and took some photos of my fabric work.

These are some little wall hangings I've been making with an earth spirit theme.
I'm planning on making a concertina persex (plastic) book and attaching these pieces to the pages, so the whole thing will be free standing.

This one is the water spirits

Water spirits

The faces are paperclay from a commercial mould, I've used a trapunto technique on the fabric base then painted with acrylics.

This is one of the tree spirits

Tree spirits

and the earth spirits, around the tree roots

Earth Spirits


Jo in NZ said...

I know you've been on my flickr contacts for a while, but I never think to look at them, but today I did, and I am inspired. You do fantastic work. I'm off to post about your blog,so the world ( well, at least my 7 readers) can see what you've been up too.

Erica said...

oh wow, thanks Jo, it will be nice to have new visitors, I know it's hard to keep up to what everyone is doing, I'd need to be on the net 24 hours a day (instead of the 12 I spend on it now LOL)
BTW I just posted a couple of pictures on flickr of the pieces in progress, to answer your question about trapunto

Sheeprustler said...

They are astonishingly beautiful! Very inspiring indeed.

Erica said...

thank you Judy

Maureen said...

I was surprised to see it was trapunto! At first glance(probably influenced by the art doll molds ,I thought you'd used Xpandaprint for the rocks.
BTW.Jo sent me!

Jo in NZ said...

OK, I've decided that I HAVE to have one of these. So how do I go about getting one! Please bear in mind that I am a struggling ( read: absolutely no income) artist!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! just found your blog thanks to Jo in NZ. I LOVE these earth spirits! You are indeed a kindred spirit, I did something on similar lines but nowhere near as spectacular in Bags of Fun
You go straight into my Bloglines subs!

Dale Anne Potter said...

I just LOVE those earth spirits!!!
I would LOVE to trade some fabrics, come art, something for one of those!!!
WOW!!! They are simply GORGEOUS!

Erica said...

Jo, thank you for the link, and Dale Anne - I hadn't thought about parting with them yet, I really wanted to build up some sort of portfolio of work as I never seem to have anything to show off, maybe when I've made a few more and decide which I want to keep I'll let you know then.

Kay Susan - am I showing my age if I ask if you remember 'pickled people' your faces reminded me of them.

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