Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Problems with Blogger comments

Over the last month or two I kept coming across Blogspot blogs where I've written a comment and had it totally disappear - at first I wondered if it was awaiting moderation or just a glitch on my part, then lately I've found I couldn't even reply on my own blog to comments, so apologies if you have left a comment here and I haven't replied.

I went googling and found I'm not alone in this, (I found a post from Rurality with just this same problem and lots of her readers with similar)

It appears to be the blogs that have a little comment box under the post - which is called embedded comments.
No matter how I try to sign in to this box, with my google ID or open ID, just nothing works.

It has to be a Blogger problem and I suspect it has only recently begun to happen.

Which is why I've now switched to the full page view for comments, this seems to be the one that works best.

It would be interesting to hear if you have a Blogger blog with the embedded comments form - have the number of comments on your blog mysteriously dropped off during the past month? You might want to switch to the full page comments.

Edit: November 2009
I found another "fix" which involves allowing third party cookies on your browser -
If you are using firefox, go to tools..options..privacy.. enable third party cookies.
I was already allowing these with the option of "keep til I close Firefox", I changed my option to "keep til they expire"
I have no idea why this allows the comment box to work but apparently it does.
This was on the blogger help forum

In answer to another comment on how to change from embedded box to full page comments:
go to your dashboard...settings....comments...comment form placement...full page... and save settings

It's a bit hard to tell everyone they should change their cookie settings so they can comment on your blog, so by swapping to the full page for visitors and changing my cookies, I think the two "fixes" will work together for me, I hope it helps someone else.

(by the way I use the Firefox browser, so have no advice on how to do this with other browsers)

24 November 2009,
as you can see from the last couple of comments, weird things are happening, a comment starts off as normal then an advertising sentence is tossed in making the comment read as total nonsense.
I have no idea if this is deliberate or accidental, I suspect deliberate as the two commenters have their profiles hidden which is suspicious to start with.

I've left the two comments in, giving them the benefit of the doubt, I may come back and delete them later, but please don't follow the links.

I'm also stopping comments on this particular post.
I think I've said all I have to say on how I got around the problem, so you guys are on your own now :))


Micki said...

For months I have been having problems with leaving a comment in the little pop-up window and now the embedded comment as well. Whenever I try, I get kicked off the 'Net. It is very frustrating not to be able to leave a comment on a persons blog because of this.

Erica said...

Hi Micki, well I'm glad you were able to comment here, it seems the new full page format is working - I agree it's been very frustrating

Yvette said...

I even cannot work with my blog under ie8...with google chrome it works...?????

Louise said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog
~nice to see you!

yewenyi said...

a test comment... I have moved over to word press...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Erica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steve said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Erica said...

Niz, I have no idea how this works.
Your comment, like Calvins' comment just before you, start off as normal then an advertising message is dumped in the middle of it, making the comment read as total nonsense.
I don't know if you are doing this or it is being generated some other way, it is certainly nothing I've installed on my blog.
Also both you and Calvin have made your profiles private so there is no information on you which makes me very suspicious.

...and I also previously said I would delete further comments with ANY form of advertising, ACCIDENTAL OR NOT.

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