Considering the amount of time I spend on the internet I've been a little slow finding out the fact that Blogger now has the option of static pages, just like Wordpress.
I'm still investigating but a good review on how to use it is here at Making A Mark, I'm sure there will be lots of others if you google.
I started another blog at Blogger which I intended to use as a gallery and make a static link to each gallery page from this main blog, but it all got a little complicated.
I had been on the verge of changing over to Wordpress and I've set up a blog there to play around with, but now I might just stay playing at Blogger.
I can see some long nights coming up.
Has anyone else discovered the pages and started using them? Please leave a comment so I can visit
Yes ... I have discovered pages too. They are useful. I find it easiest to prepare my page as a blog post, then copy and paste the stuff onto the page. The most frustrating thing I found (perhaps this is useful to some people) is that while I am working on the page it backs up much more frequently than a blog post and can slow things up!
I have two pages so far. One I used for additional photographs of a trip to Egypt so that I didn't bog my blog down with them and also a page for blog awards I've received, again because having them on the sidebar slows up the loading of the page
Bye for now
I am aware of several others taking up this new formatting option including Creative Dabbling and Sew It Goes And Sew it Goes. At this stage, the default styling offered by Blogger is pretty rudimentary, an underlined link at the top of the page unlike the more integrated styling of WordPress, but it's a welcome development and if you are up for playing with CSS, you could probably work out a prettier solution.
I'm still thinking of ways to use Pages. I wish there was a way to adjust the size of the heading fonts
or to substitute a graphic. I'm wondering if making them image heavy
slows down the loading of that page?
It's all under investigation.
Hi nice to meet you! Thanks for commenting. I have thought a lot about a format of showing collectibles too. I am scheduling a few posts now and I can tell you already that the format I have chosen is pretty time consuming! I hope this is going to be fun! I hope that you'll give me feed back whenever you like, please don't hesitate. My intention was also to show different forms of collecting. Hope to see you tomorrow!
Hi ladies, thank you for your thoughts on the labels,
Carolyn that works well, preparing it as a blog post first (I've just started a new blog for my miniatures and used it there)
Brenda, I've had a look at the two links you sent, interesting, and you are right, it's not as nice looking as Wordpress, not sure if I'm up to css just yet, it took me a long time to master html.
Deb, yes, I'll be looking at what can be tweaked too
LiliM, thanks for the return visit, loving your collections
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