Thursday, 10 August 2006

Matilda's journal - slideshow

How cool is this!
A new toy from Susan at the Artsy Asylum
(and just when I planned to spend the morning ironing.....)

this is an art project I started some time ago and work on every now and then - it's an altered book and a collection of odds and ends in a box - I planned on one day making a web page for it but I'm thinking now it could be interesting to create a blog for Matilda, that could be a good way of telling her story and showing pics, what do you think?

Create your own video for free at


Kim said...

Very cool! Love the slideshow - quite beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Erica, how cool is that that you liked my idea and ran with it! Your images and music mix is lovely.

Erica said...

thank you Kim, and thank you Susan for the idea

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