Wednesday, 4 February 2009

slow cloth & practical pottery #4

I decided to start numbering the embroidered pottery entries to keep track of them.

low fired stitchery project

After beginning the lettering I thought it needed some colour, so I added a nest of pots using fabric crayons directly onto the material.
Another way of applying the crayons is to draw on paper then place the paper face down onto the fabric and iron, this transfers the reverse of your drawing onto the fabric - I've never had much luck with this method, maybe I haven't had enough crayon on the paper, but it always seems to be a very pale image.

low fired stitchery project

I outlined the pots in stem stitch then filled in the colour with running stitch using matching thread.

low fired stitchery project

low fired stitchery project

then started the stitching on the background - I'm just using running stitch at the moment, similar to kantha style work.

low fired stitchery project


Anonymous said...

that looks really cool.

I was thinking of that piece of fabric yesterday when the plumber pulled out the 40-yo hot water system and there were interestingly shaped puddles of liquid rust forming all over the place. If I hadn't been running late to get the girl to school I'd have weathered the bemusement & dug up some fabric to toss into the rusty mud ...

Ann Christy said...

It is looking really good - the colurs are very subtle.

Erica said...

Sion - it's never too soon to develop eccentric habits, you take your rust where you find it VBG
Ann - thank you

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