Saturday, 3 March 2012

Week 9 - Bibbul-mun, Part 1

Sometimes my imagination takes me to strange places, and when I return I try to recreate those places in my needlework.

This was to be a fantasy garden with magical mushrooms (no, no, not THOSE ones....) 

The work started as a piece of wet felting for the base and the cap. The stem of the mushroom was made by needlefelting some firmly bundled wool which was then attached to the base using a felting needle.  The cap was attached the same way.   
As the cap was embroidered it became too heavy to hold up on its own so I wired the rim.

 Week 9 Bibbul-mun

 Week 9 Bibbul-mun

 Week 9 Bibbul-mun

 Week 9 Bibbul-mun

 Week 9 Bibbul-mun

The more I embroidered and embellished I  began to catch glimpses of a dragon face in the mushroom cap.

Week 9 Bibbul-mun

 Week 9 - Bibbul-mun

These next pictures look like a different piece but they are the same, my camera settings altered the colour slightly in the daylight.

 Week 9 - Bibbul-mun

 Week 9 - Bibbul-mun

 Hope this short video doesn’t make you dizzy, I was holding the camera in one hand and twirling the lazy susan with the other.


As you can see it was now developing a distinctly dragonish look.

 Week 9 - Bibbul-mun

 Week 9 - Bibbul-mun

There is a theory that dragons still live amongst us, but man has not always been kind to them, so they have learnt to hide from our sight. 

Sometimes we will catch a glimpse of something dragon-like, something that stops us in our tracks and makes us wonder – “did I just see a dragon”

What if this were a real dragon hiding in the garden, camouflaged amongst the flowers and fungi.

It was time to dismantle the mushroom and wonder if I could coax the dragon to reveal himself.

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