Monday, 11 June 2007

taking my ego on a sidetrip to DeviantART

At the end of May, in a burst of WWWebish enthusiasm, I signed up with a site called DeviantART
...and for some reason, my mind keeps seeing that as Deviant Tart....

My user name is gramaire (gramarye being already taken)'s a hard site to negotiate, but I finally found that the sort of things I make are listed under Artisan Crafts - I was a bit disappointed with the content, the Custom Dolls section is full of re-worked action figures and those strange little things called plushies or softies, but there were just enough very original pieces mixed in with them to keep me interested.

So I created a gallery page, put up a doll photo and 3 of my 'earth spirit' wall hangings, then, the web having so many other distractions, I promptly forgot about the whole thing.

When I signed in today, I found that my "water spirits" had been given a Daily Deviation award on the 2 June, and there were 200 comments waiting for me,

to say I was gobsmacked is putting it mildly,
This deviant old tart's ego could hardly get through the door this afternoon.


arlee said...

From one devianTart to another----Congrats :} I find that site difficult too--takes forever to get anywhere and is a little confusing. Agree on the content---though once in awhile, there's a gem!! Have you seen Grace Willard's work there?

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news, DeviantART is a great place to get your art out there, and 200 comments is absolutely amazing. Your work deserves it!

catsmum said...

Give your ego my congratulations. Fabulous.
I rarely comment but I always read.

FairiesNest said...

I guess I got you with that one! You deserved it!

Spike said...

Don't forget us now yer famous :)

Lavender said...

200 comments?! Thats remarkable! LOL Im off to have a sticky beak now. Thanks for visiting the birds & the beads Cheers!

Erica said...

thanks everyone,
Arlee, I searched out Grace Willard and like her work
Cynthia - thanks! (Cynthia is the one who nominated me)
Spike Spike - I'll always remember the little people who put me up here LOL

Sally said...

Hi Erica

Yes, i bet it is liek the one at Eden Garden Centre! (I actually don't like it much).

ATCs, eh! Send me an email at and let's talk!

shula said...

Frankly, I'm not a BIT surprised.

Judy said...

gosh 200 what a nice surprise - but its no wonder, your artwork is amazing. i just spent some time looking at your dolls - they are so amazing. I really enjoyed reading back on your posts - it's so nice that you explain everything. Thanks for your comment yesterday - much appreciated. regards

jafabrit said...

no wonder you were gobsmacked, what a great start to your time on Deviant Art (I like tart lol)

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise for you! But well deserved I'm certain.

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