Sunday, 5 February 2012

Week 5 - Machine Embroidered Dragon

One of my friends invited me to play with her embroidery machine.

 week 5 machine embroidered dragon

First we went through her huge file of designs. 
I chose an asian dragon and she downloaded it from computer to her machine.

 week 5 machine embroidered dragon

This screen is telling us it will take 76 minutes to complete the 27,380 stitches and it will use 8 different colour threads.

 week 5 machine embroidered dragon

 week 5 machine embroidered dragon

I must admit to being fascinated watching where the needle was stitching and wondering sometimes why it was moving to a different spot, but it soon showed that it knew more than I did as it started on a new part of the design.

 week 5 machine embroidered dragon

Don't think that I will be rushing out to buy an embroidery machine, but it was fun watching the design slowly take shape.

.....and for those cynics who think I didn't do much, my finger was worn to the bone pushing the start/stop button to change colour threads.

I've also decided that sometime through the year I might make a fabric dragon book, so this could well be page 1.

 week 5 machine embroidered dragon

1 comment:

magicmoonmusings said...

This is beautiful! It would make a terrific book cover.

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