Monday, 28 May 2012

Week 21 - Ali's glass dragon

My friend Alison makes glass flamework beads.

I started learning glass beadmaking about the same time as Ali.
After burning a hole in the kitchen table and producing a collection of blobby little beads, my remaining glass still sits as pristine glass rods, whilst the talented Ali has risen to amazing heights with her glass making.

She makes wonderful beads and I was quite stunned and over the moon when she gave me her first glass dragon.
I've had it for a couple of months now attempting to take photos that would do it justice, glass is so hard to photograph.

I hope you enjoy seeing the work of a lovely lady and good friend.

Week 21 - Ali's flamework dragon

Week 21 - Ali's flamework dragon

Week 21 - Ali's flamework dragon

Week 21 - Ali's flamework dragon

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